Collection: BLACK FRIDAY fino al 30%

We give you some small tips for a smart shopping... Follow them and you won't regret it!
1) browse the entire catalog well a few days before, noting the products you like. Maybe not just for you: you could find some nice gifts and make a great impression at a discounted price.
2) Give your desires a budget: you'll know what you really like and what you really want to take home, but without going bankrupt.
3) Choose products you're sure you'll use... Even if it's the right opportunity to indulge in a treat that you wouldn't have taken away at full price 😉.
4) Prepare the cart a few hours, or even a day in advance. You can also fill it a little more than necessary, in the final stages you will remove what you have decided to discard, but in the meantime you will have secured the products you wanted!
5) If you want to be among the fastest, which will also receive a prize this year, point the alarm!

Do you need help?

Request real-time assistance from one of our sales people. We can provide you with useful tips.